“When it came to appearing on camera to promote my business, it was just one more thing that was delaying getting myself out there. Knowing what to use, where to put light and shade, how to handle the eyes for the camera, and what colors to use for the screen is a game changer. It’s exactly what I needed. Massive thanks, Salina. I’ve no excuses now!”- 7-Figure Image Challenger
This makeup tutorial comes on the heels of an email I received this week from a woman who recently participated in The 7-Figure Image Challenge. She was over the moon about her new camera-ready image. Her confidence was dripping from the camera lens as she posted about her experience in her Instagram stories. Still reeling from the story, the email, and the immense gratification of helping one more woman get unstuck and inspired to release her offer out into the world, I was over the moon right along with her.
The Power of Video Marketing
When we harness the power of video marketing in our business, our influence goes from 2D to 3D. The potential to reach more people, build more trust, and make more sales is limitless. There is one way to systematically remove the roadblocks to exponential growth, visibility, and influence, but first, we must own (and audit) a few common excuses to avoid or delay putting ourselves out there with video marketing.
Makeup Tutorial: The ABC’s to Camera-Ready Makeup
In this training, I’m sharing my pre-recording crosscheck with 4 steps that I call the ABC’s to Camera-Ready Makeup. These 4 steps will put you on the right track to overcome the excuses that hold you back from launching your next offer. Listen to the full training, or jump to the timestamp that lights you up.
- (1:03) The camera has a mind of its own
- (1:56) Camera-Ready Makeup Tip#1: Optimize Your Camera Angle
- (4:00) Why I created a camera-ready makeup capsule
- (4:41) Camera-Ready Makeup Tip#2: Check Your Blend
- (5:39) Why is makeup such a big deal?
- (6:23) Camera-Ready Makeup Tip#3: Choose Higher Color Contrast
- (8:22) My favorite lipstick tip for a look that is less intense
- (9:59) Camera-Ready Makeup Tip#4: Control Your Shine (with translucent powder)
- (13:05) Are these common excuses holding you back from launching your next offer?
- (14:51) The right mindset is a big part of putting yourself (and your offer) out there on video.
- (15:37) Overcoming the “lack of expertise” roadblock. You don’t have to be a makeup artist to do your makeup for the camera. Makeup is a learnable skill!
- (17:18) Excuse #2 Lack of Resources. (Or should I say, how to navigate the overabundance of product options out here.) You need the resources to know what you need to create your best look for the camera. It is ok to enlist the help of a guide!
- (20:00) Hiring a makeup artist isn’t always the best option.
- (20:53) Excuse #3 The Fear of Being Seen on Camera
- (21:41) The great thing about makeup is the immediacy. I can help you get your camera-ready look on lock in less than days!
- (22:25) Take action by joining the next 7-Figure Image Challenge.
- (26:33) You need feedback from an expert when you are just starting. Family and friends are not always the best judges.
- (27:25) Looking and feeling like $1 Million isn’t about me. When I turn on my camera, it becomes all about you.
- (29:41) Contact me to find out whether my Color Concierge Makeup Coaching services are right for you.
Action Breeds Confidence
Action breeds confidence. Therefore, I am challenging you to take action to overcome the fear of being seen on camera once and for all. Let’s get your look on lock so that you can finally step out of the shadows and launch your valuable offer out into the world.
Join the next 7-Figure Image Challenge
What is it?
A 3-day email series of quick color and makeup tutorials to help you put your best face forward onscreen. BONUS: When you join the challenge, you are automatically entered into a giveaway to win a 1:1 makeup coaching session with me (Valued at over $800).
Who is this for?
This challenge is for women in online businesses to create an onscreen look that attracts their audience to their message
Your email inbox
Step into a confident image that supports your powerful message, and join the 7-Figure Image Challenge today!
As a stage performer for over 30 years, Salina understands the unique demand of putting your best face forward for your audience. After receiving her color designation under the direction of Celebrity Makeup Artist Luis Casco, Salina launched her makeup coaching business in 2020. She helps creative entrepreneurs access the tools and techniques they need to do their own makeup like a pro. Her specialty is showing people how to master their on-camera makeup so they can go from looking tired, dull, and washed out on screen to vibrant and magnetic–attracting audiences to their important message. She believes a powerful message and a confident image lead to unstoppable results. That is why she dedicates her expertise to helping professionals show up as the face of their brand, looking the part of their success.
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